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MacroDm - Mdm Framework
David G Horsman projects

Framework Overview:

including OSS Operating System Support
a MVVM Model-View View-Model Framework.

This framework version includes trace, status line, logging, threaded messaging (both user interface and functions,) console, disk and database file I/O, error handling, start/pause/cancel, progress bar and other features.

A detailed discussion and summary documentation.

Component Namespaces:

#region Mdm Core
using Mdm.Oss;
using Mdm.Oss.Components;
using Mdm.Oss.Console;
using Mdm.Oss.Decl;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Ui;
using Mdm.Oss.Run.Control;
using Mdm.Oss.Std;
using Mdm.Oss.Sys;
using Mdm.Oss.Thread;
using Mdm.World;

#region Mdm WinUtil,
// System Shell32,
// WshRuntime
using Mdm.Oss.WinUtil;
// add shell32.dll reference
// or COM Microsoft Shell Controls
// and Automation
using Shell32;
// At first, Project >
Add Reference > COM >
Windows ScriptItemPassed
Host Object Model.
using IWshRuntimeLibrary;

#region Mdm Db and File
using Mdm.Oss.File;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Control;
using Mdm.Oss.File.RunControl;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Db;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Db.Data;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Db.Table;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Db.Thread;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Properties;

#region Mdm File Types
using Mdm.Oss.File.Type;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Type.Link;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Type.Sql;
using Mdm.Oss.File.Type.Srt.Script;

#region Mdm Srt
(Search, replace and transform)
using Mdm.Srt;
using Mdm.Srt.Core;
using Mdm.Srt.Transform;
using Mdm.Srt.Script;

Language Extensions
Multivalued Syntax Class

This implements part of the syntax for multivalued database languages, sometimes referred to as post-relational database systems.

At this first level, basic language features are implemented as methods. File, printer and display I/O are not implemented at this level. The second level will implement print and display I/O. The third level implements file I/O. The fourth level includes many multivalued feutures amoung other string extensions in the MickString class.

The development goal is to implement functions and syntax that is abscent from C# and particularly useful or effecient. By implementing a sufficient core set of language features, it should be relatively easy to convert mutlivalued classes to C# versions.

The functions in this class include Ins(ert), Del(ete), Field, IConv(ert), OConv(ert), Len(gth), SpaceFill, StringFill, Stop, Trim, and a TCL Read

In the multivalued database platforms, the term TCL is an acronym for Terminal Control Language and is the console language for the environment. The is also a PROC(edure) script language that can contain TCL commands and would be similar to BAT files on DOS platforms. The programming language for these platforms is DataBasic and is a form of Dartmouth Basic with built in features for handling multivalues.


This was successful. todo

"The class structure"

The Framework class structure