Log Messages and Errors

Mouse Events

Test Console

Test Data

the broader scope...

  • This and other projects employ a type of thick client strategy.
  • Browser extension via Helper Objects, Toolbars, etc.
  • These templates will also be used when the PHP is coded.
  • The web document standards here are part of a wider standard that is oriented towards comatable styles.
  • Based on need, create a complex client side application. Test and determine the performance and complexity limitations of the platform.
  • Overall I am looking for complementary design amoung:
    • Browser Plugin/Helper Object
    • Console with Page Contents Menu
    • Validation and extension of keyboard entry, short-cuts and context.
    • External and code behind applications and standards.


Create a consistent user experience while providing a module where content can easily dropped into place.

To be able to copy IDE screen definitions from various platforms into either an neutral or "current platform" format.

To be able to copy database definitions from various platforms into either an neutral or "current platform" format.

To Create a robust applications environment powerful enough to support scheduling, logging and state analysis.

Web User View and Menu Thumbnails Project

Templates and View Framework
HTML4, CSS3, Javascript

The web project is first intended to combine a pleasant looking page with a new and advanced page style and layout. Second, to further explore features of HTML4/5 and client side javascript. A third goal was to produce content using very basic language and features that would also include attractive interactive and animated features.

To adhere to the academic goal, the first version of the site was java free. It would then include code that was basic javascript. The final version would be object oriented and use external frameworks (like JQuery but perhaps specialized such as animation libraries.)

Project Objectives.

  • To contribute to web accessibility through the unique user interface used within the templates.
  • At the same time, create that web user interface to appeal to ANY user. Emphasis on users needs, behaviors and reading ease regardless of window size.
  • To create at least one unique and appealing feature on the page that leverages graphics and animation. Menu image thumbnails chosen also use transitions and effects.
  • Create a set of templates, framework and script library for this and related sites. These hand coded templates would subsequently be implemented in PHP and perhaps ASP.
  • Based on need, create a complex client side application. Test and determine the performance and complexity limitations of the platform.
  • Academically, to create a basic framework that employs as many of the features of plain javascript as is possible. This would include instructive features such as:
    • One view of coding standards, naming conventions, attribute usage, etc.
    • Object indexing.
    • Tracing, debugging and a console.
    • Varied user interface techniques.
    • Techniques for structured and OO-like CSS.
    • Varied techiques for events including a handler.
    • Techiques for DOM navigation and searching.
    • A comparitive progression from java free, to simple java, to object oriented, to integrated with external apps.

For development, using my professional page was the logical choice. As is typical, the project start date was chosen based on the needs of the client. The same holds true for starting the PHP project, as it depends on this work. Actually releasing the site would occur with the beta release of the second phase (Javascript and animation.) That is the first version where all the main features are fully functional. See "the big picture" above for how this project fits into the broader scope.

